An Overview of Monads in Haskell

⏲ A 16 min read

Monads are arguably one of the most important concepts in functional programming. In this post we pave the street to understanding how this purely category theoretical object finds its place in a language like Haskell.


If you are learning a functional programming language like Haskell, sooner or later you will find yourself dealing with the concept of monad. You probably knew already that there is a fair bit of category theory embedded in the language, and this comes as no surprise at all. Indeed, functional programming languages were developed with the goal of making lambda calculus practical and, as it turns out, type theory has many relations to category theory.

In this post we make our way to the concept of monads in Haskell starting from the notion of functor. The ultimate goal is to motivate the use of the term monad by showing that we indeed have a monadic structure, but also give a somewhat rigurous justification of the fact that "all told, monads are just monoids in the category of endofunctors".


A typical pattern of functional programming is that of applying a function to a list element-wise. There are many ways of doing this, but the most general one is that of using the map function

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

That is, map takes a function a -> b and a list of type [a] to produce a list of type [b] by simply applying the function to each entry of the first list. Two important properties of the function map follow from this definition. The first involves its interaction with the identity function id :: a -> a which simply evaluates to its sole argument. Indeed,

map id = id

in the sense that both sides represent the same function. Now, if we have two functions, f :: a -> b and g :: b -> c, it doesn't matter whether we first compute the composition g . f and apply it to map, or compose map g with map f. The net result is that we obtain a function that takes a list of type [a] that is sent to a list of type [c] whose elements are precisely given by the image of each element of the initial list through the composition g . f. We can express this fact with the identity

map (f . g) = map f . map g

Let's look back at what we have here. In more abstract terms, we can think of the operation of putting square brackets around a type as some sort of map on the set of Haskell types into itself, namely \([\ \cdot\ ] : a \mapsto [a]\), for any Haskell type \(a\). Observe further that the type of the function map is indeed map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b]). That is to say that map sends a function a -> b to a function [a] -> [b], together with the two properties above.

We may be tempted, at this point, to introduce the Haskell category \(\mathsf{Hask}\), whose objects are the Haskell types, and whose arrows are the Haskell functions, i.e. those types that can be put into the form a -> b for some Haskell types a and b. If we do so, we then recognise that the pair ([], map) defines a functor from \(\mathsf{Hask}\) into itself. That's because [] maps objects to objects (lists) and map maps functions to functions (between lists). That these mappings are functorial follows immediately from the two properties that we have observed earlier.

The next abstraction step is in realising that there is nothing special in the ([], map) pair. For if all we want are endofunctors on \(\mathsf{Hask}\), all we really need is a parametrised type T and a map fmap :: (a -> b) -> T a -> T b that plays nicely with T, in the sense that it satisfies the functoriality properties

fmap id = id


fmap (f . g) = fmap f . fmap g

for any functions f and g. We then see that the list example we have analyised above is just the special case where T a = [a] and fmap = map.

To get a feel of what functors mean in Haskell (or more generally in functional programming), we should regard the parametrised type T as a sort of container type. A list, of course, is an example of a container, as it contains multiple instances of a certan type in an ordered fashon. But T can also be, e.g., a rooted tree with values of type a on each of its nodes. So, generally, T is some sort of container structure that accomodates for multiple values of the parameter type a.

Notice now how the definition of fmap depends on the parametrised type T. This means that the first step in defining an endofunctor over \(\mathsf{Hask}\) is to produce one such parametrised type T. But once we have one, can we find an fmap such that (T, fmap) is a functor? The answer to this question very much depends on the nature of T, but what we can be certain of is that once we have found one such fmap, then it is unique. Why? This is a consequence of the so-called parametricity result, which derives from parametric polymorphism. The function fmap :: (a -> b) -> T a -> T b implies universal quantifiers for the types a and b. That is to say, for any types a and b, fmap sends a function a -> b to a function T a -> T b. The key observation is that, because of this parametric dependency on the types a and b, the function fmap cannot act in a way that depends on a particular choice of the types, but can depend at most on the container structure described by the parametrised type T.

In order to understand this concept, let's take a step back and consider again the special case of lists. Suppose that we have another candidate fmap' for an fmap other than map. Since the types are arbitrary, such new candidate can only interact with the list structure, i.e. apply the first argument, that is, the function f :: a -> b to each element of the list of type [a] to produce [b], and perhaps do a reshuffling. Now, if we apply this new candidate to the identity id :: a -> a, we get precisely the reshuffling bit s = fmap' id. On the other hand, fmap' must satisfy the functor properties, and in particular fmap' id = id, whence s = id. That is to say that fmap' cannot actually do any reshuffling, so it must coincide with map.

The general argument works in the same way, we only need to replace the list structure with a general one T and argue that by the functor properties fmap can only map a function to each element of type a inside T a while preserving the container structure described by T.

More elegantly, this result could have been obtained using the free theorem associated to the type (a -> b) -> (T a -> T b); see (Wadler, 1989) for the details.

Applicative Functors

We have seen that functors are a generalisation of the common pattern of mapping a function over the elements of a list. Can we generalise to mapping of functions with more than one argument? That is to say, given that (T, fmap) describes a functor, can we find, e.g., fmap2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (T a -> T b -> T c), that satisfies some reasonable coherence properties? A first observation is that the type a -> b -> c is identical to a -> (b -> c), just by definition. If we apply fmap to any instances of this type we would get something of type T a -> T (b -> c), which isn't quite what we want. But, if we had a function <*> :: T (a -> b) -> (T a -> T b) we would get closer, but not quite there yet. Indeed, we could now define fmap2 like so

fmap2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (T a -> T b -> T c)
fmap2 f x y = <*> (fmap f x) y

that is, we curry the result of fmap f with the first argument x and then apply <*> to the result to obtain a function that we can compute on y to get a result of type T c. Of course, we can now repeat these steps to define fmap3 :: (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (T a -> T b -> T c -> Td) by using fmap2 as a starting point, that is

fmap3 f x y z = <*> (fmap2 f x y) z

and carry on, to get a whole family of maps fmapn. Using infix notation for <*> and assuming associativity to the left, we could then write the general case as

fmapn :: (a1 -> ... -> an -> b) -> (T a1 -> ... -> T an -> b)
fmapn f x1 ... xn = fmap f x1 <*> ... <*> xn

This is now starting to look just like function application, except that we are not making that very explicit with the first argument x1 of type T a1. If we wanted to fix that, we would have to find, e.g., a function p such that fmap f x1 = (p f) <*> x. What's the type of p? We see that p :: a -> T a would work well here, so if we could find such a function we could push the base of the recursion back and define fmap itself in terms of p and <*>. Then we could easily generalise functors to functions of an arbitrary number of arguments by simply mapping it through p and applying arguments with <*>.

In Haskell, it is customary to call the function p with the name pure; any functor for which one can define both pure and <*> is then called an applicative functor. The importance of these special objects does not come solely from the fact that they generalise the notion of mapping to functions of more than one argument. Indeed, they represent an important step toward effectful programming inside a purely functional programming language. Perhaps we can appreciate this better with a concrete example based on the functor Maybe. Its values can be used to represent the success or failure of an operation. For exmaple, when an operation failed, we can simply return Nothing, else we return Just x, where x is the valid result of the operation. Haskell makes Maybe into an applicative functor by default by defining

pure = Just

Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
(Just f) <*> mx = fmap f mx

We see from the above definitions and the recursive nature of applicative functors that the propagation of the occurrence of an invalid value like Nothing during the computation is automatically propagated to the end result, with no need to put checks in place for each argument of the function f.

Before moving on, we should spend some more time looking back at the identity (pure f) <*> x = fmap f x and recalling that fmap must satisfy some coherence properties that make it part of the description of a functor. As we have said earlier, we expect pure and <*> to satisfy some coherence properties themselves if they are to work as they are supposed to, and we see why that is. One of such properties comes for free, viz.

(pure id) <*> x = x

since fmap id x = x. The other properties that are required of pure and <*> are

pure (f x) = pure f <*> pure x
x <*> pure y = pure ($ y) <*> x
pure (.) <*> x <*> y <*> z = x <*> (y <*> z)

and all ensure that pure pretty much delivers what it promises. For example, the first of the above three properties is just a way of ensuring that pure embeds ordinary function application into the effectful programming realm in an unsurprising way.

Deeper ties with Category Theory are presented in details in the original paper (McBride & Paterson, 2008). There it is shown how one can give a symmetric definition of <*> and show that an applicative functor is just a lax monoidal functor.


Monads have been introduced to crystallise yet another common pattern in effectful programming that is not quite captured by both the Functor and the Applicative "patterns".

Consider the case of a program that consists of a series of steps that need to be executed in order, and such that the output of one is used as input for the next one. A classical example is a function f that requires the result of a division g x y = x / y. It is clear that if g receives a 0 as second argument during the execution of the program, we are in an exceptional situation that somehow we need to handle. But we can hardly do so if g is of type, say, g :: Int -> Int -> Int. Lacking support for catching and reacting to exceptions, we need a way to signal that something went wrong and propagate that to the end.

The first obvious thing to do is to rewrite g in such a way that its type is g :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int, so that g _ 0 = Nothing and g x y = Just (x / y). Then, for every function f that receives the output of g as input, we would have to go through the tedious process of checking whether the value it received is valid or not. If those functions have been coded already, then we have a problem that is not much fun to solve.

How about we check the arguments we are passing to a function that is coming from another function, detecting any failures to propagate, else continue with the normal execution? With this approach, all we need is a binding function >>= :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b that checks the first argument, and only apply it to the second argument if it makes sense to do so, propagating any "bad" value otherwise. It is clear, just by looking at the involved types, that applicative functors are of no much use in this case, since a function like g is not pure, given that it can produce a side effect like Nothing. Hence, what we have here is a different pattern: the monad pattern.

The notion of monad comes from category theory and arises from adjunction. But before we can make contact with the Haskell notion of monads that was given above we need to replace the bind operator >>= :: M a -> (a -> M b) -> M b (here M is a parametrised type that we want to turn into a monad; hence M is a functor) with the function join :: M (Μ a) -> M a. Together with pure (or return we should say), it provides the structure that makes the endofunctor M a monad. In a nutshell, what we want to do is prove that (M, pure, join) has the monad structure. And we shall also see in what sense a monad can be defined as a "monoid in the category of endofunctors", as Mac Lane put it.

First things first, let's see how the join function relates to the bind operator >>=. You can convince yourself that the definition

join x = x >>= id

has the correct type. As to what this is good for from a practical point of view, recall the example of the function g :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int that we saw before. We argued that we couldn't apply the applicative pattern because g is not a pure function and that the issue boiled down to g having the "wrong" type. For if we used fmap2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> (Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe c), we would end up with fmap2 g :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Maybe Int). But now, if we curry and apply join we can cure that double boxing Maybe (Maybe Int) to get back a Maybe Int instead.

Let's now look at the coherence properties that must be satisfied by join. The first one we note is its interaction with itself

join . (fmap join) = join . join

which is quite easily understood if we look at the case of lists. Here the join function does what we would expect, considering its name: it flattens the list of lists [[a]] into a single list [a] obtained by concatenation. The second coherence property that we look at involves the interaction between join and pure (or return), viz.

join . pure = join . (fmap pure) = id

which can be understood as saying that when we embed a value of type M a into the "pure" part of M (M a), then join "unboxes" the structure and gives us the initial value back.

Now, thanks to the two above properties, we can easily recognise a monad structure for the triplet (M, pure, join), with T the endofunctor and pure and join representing the required natural transformations.

In what sense can we regard a monad as a monoid? The general qualitative answer is that the map pure is akin to a unit and join is akin to the binary operation on a monoid. But if we look at the type of join, which is M (M a) -> M a, we don't see any sign of a Cartesian product. Instead, we have some sort of composition of functors, whence the second part of the qualitative answer, i.e. that the Cartesian product should be replaced with "composition". But what kind of composition? Let's clarify these points a bit.

Let'sabandon Haskell functors for now, since it is pretty clear that the last
"pattern" that we have described has all the rights to be called a monad, and
look at the matter from the perspective of category theory. Given functors $F, G
C \to D\(, $J, K : D \to E\) and natural transformations \(\alpha : F \Rightarrow G\) and \(\beta : J \Rightarrow K\), we can construct a new natural transformation \(\beta \circ \alpha\) between the functors \(J \circ F\) and \(K \circ G\) according to the following commutative diagram
$$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} F(X) @>\alpha_X>> G(X)\\ @VJVV @VJVV\\ (J\circ F)(X) @>J(\alpha_X)>> (J\circ G)(X) @>\beta_{G(X)}>> (K\circ G)(X) \end{CD}$$

That is, we define the natural transformation \(\beta\circ\alpha : J \circ F \Rightarrow K \circ G\) as having components

$$(\beta \circ \alpha)_X = \beta_{G(X)} \circ J(\alpha_X)$$

Using \(\eta\) and \(\mu\) as short-hand notation for the natural transformations pure and join, we see that the two coherence properties above can be stated in the form of commutative diagram

$$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} M \circ M \circ M @>\iota_M\circ \mu>> M \circ M\\ @V\mu \circ \iota_MVV @V\mu VV\\ M \circ M @>\mu>> M \end{CD}$$


$$\require{AMScd} \begin{CD} M \circ I @> \iota_M \circ \eta >> M \circ M @< \eta\circ\iota_M << I \circ M\\ @| @V \mu VV @|\\ M @= M @= M \end{CD}$$

where \(\iota_M\) denotes of course the identity natural transformation. Note that, in terms of components, the two diagrams are equivalent to the relations

$$\forall X,\ \mu_X(M(\mu_X)) = \mu_X(\mu_{M(X)})$$


$$\forall X,\ \mu(M(\eta_X)) = \mu(\eta_{M(X)}),$$

which we can easily translate back into the original properties for the Haskell pure and join.

The above diagrams should now make more precise the meaning of Mac Lane's sentence

All told, a monad in \(X\) is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of \(X\), with product \(\times\) replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor.

Indeed we see that \(\mu\) and \(\eta\) have diagrams similar to the analogous concepts in monoids, with the difference that functor composition \(\circ\) is now everywhere we would expect a Cartesian product \(\times\).