What Actually Are Containers?

⏲ A 26 min read P403n1x87/asm/chroot

Containers are the big thing of the moment. It is quite common to find blog posts and articles that explain what containers are not: "containers are not virtual machines". Just what are they then? In this post we embark on a journey across some of the features of the Linux kernel to unveil the mystery.


When I first heard about containers, I turned to my favourite search engine to find out more about them and what they are. Most of the resources I have read through, though, seemed to put a great emphasis on what containers are not. Containers are like virtual machines, but are not virtual machines.

So, what actually are they? After many unhelpful reads, the first good blog post that I've come across and that explains what containers indeed are is What even is a container by Julia Evans. If you go and read through that post (and I do recommended that you do!), you will immediately learn that a container is like a cauldron where you mix in the essential ingredients for a magic potion. Only in this case, the ingredients are Linux kernel features.

If many posts on containers make it sounds like they are some sort of black magic (how can you have a lightweight virtual machine?!), the aim of this post is to show that the idea behind them is quite simple and made possible by a few Linux kernel features, like control groups, chroot and namespaces. I will discuss each of them in turn in this post, but you should also be aware that there are other kernel features involved in containers to make them robust and secure. These other aspects, however, will be part of a separate post. Here we shall just focus on the essential ingredients that can allow you to literally handcraft and run something that you may call a container, in the sense that is commonly used these days.

Containers Defined

Before we progress any further, I believe that we should take a moment to agree on the meaning that we should attach to the word container. Much of the confusion, in my opinion, arises from the many different definitions that are out there. According to Wikipedia, containers ...

... may look like real computers from the point of view of programs running in them. A computer program running on an ordinary operating system can see all resources ... of that computer. However, programs running inside a container can only see the container's contents and devices assigned to the container.

My way of paraphrasing this definition is the following: a container is a main process that runs in user-space that gives you the impression that you are running an operating system with its own view of the file system, processes, etc... on top of the operating system that is installed on the machine. In this sense, a container contains part of the host resources and hosts its own system and user applications.

A Note on Operating Systems

Another cause of confusion, sometimes, is the definition of operating system itself, so before moving on, I want to make sure we agree on this too. An operating system can be thought as a nut. At its core we have, well, the kernel, which is in direct control of the hardware. On its own, the kernel is a passive component of an operating system. When an operating system is booted, the kernel is the first part that gets loaded into memory and it quietly sits there. Its purpose is to provide many "buttons and levers" (the ABI) that just wait to be pushed and pulled to operate the hardware and provide services to system and user applications. Around the kernel one usually finds, surprise surprise, a shell. You might be familiar with Bash, Ksh, Zsh, etc... which allow you to manipulate the file system (create, copy, move, delete files from disk), launch applications etc ... . Some of these applications are included with the operating system and build on top of the kernel services to provide basic functionalities (e.g. most if not all the standard Unix tools). Such applications are known as system application. Other software, like text editors, games, web browsers and alike are user applications. In some cases, it is hard to decide between system and user applications, as the line between them is not very clear and open to debate. However, once you decide on what works for you in terms of system applications, an operating system becomes the combination of them and the kernel. Thus, Linux is just a kernel and not an operating system. On the other hand, Ubuntu is an example of a (Linux-based) operating system, since a typical Ubuntu installation includes the compiled code of the Linux kernel together with system applications.

How do we tell which operating system we are currently running? Most Linux-based operating system have some files in the '/etc' folder that contains information about the distribution name and the installed version. For example, on Debian-based distributions, this file is typically named os-release. In my case, this is what I get if I peek at its content with cat:

$ cat /etc/os-release
VERSION="18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04 LTS"

Creating Jails With chroot

One of the earliest examples of "containers" was provided by the use of chroot. This is a system call that was introduced in the BSD in 1982 and all it does is to change the apparent root directory for the process it is called from, and all its descendant processes.

How can we use such a feature to create a container? Suppose that you have the root file system of a Linux-based operating system in a sub-folder in your file system. For example, the new version of your favourite distribution came out and you want to try the applications it comes with. You can use the chroot wrapper application that ships with most if not all Unix-based operating systems these days to launch the default shell with the apparent root set to ~/myfavedistro-latest. Assuming that your favourite distribution comes with most of the standard Unix tools, you will now be able to launch applications from its latest version, using the services provided by the Linux kernel of the host machine. Effectively, you are now running an instance of a different operating system that is using the kernel loaded at boot time from the host operating system (some sort of Frankenstein OS if you want).

Does what we have just described fit into the above definition of container? Surely the default shell has its own view of the file system, which is a proper restriction of the full file system of the host system. As for other resources, like peripherals etc..., they happen to coincide with the host system, but at least something is different. If we now look at the content of the os-release file in the /etc folder (or the equivalent for the distribution of your choice), you will quite likely see something different from before, so indeed we have a running instance of a different operating system.

The term that is usually associated to chroot is jail rather than container though. Indeed, a process that is running within a new apparent root file system cannot see the content of the parent folders and therefore it is confined in a corner of the full, actual file system on the physical host. The modified environment that we see from a shell started with chroot is sometimes referred to as a chroot jail. But perhaps another reason why the term jail is being used is that, without the due precautions, it is relatively easy to break out of one (well, OK, maybe that's not an official reason).

If the above discussion sounds a bit too abstract to you then don't worry because we are about to get hour hands dirty with chroot.

A Minimal chroot Jail

Since a chroot jail is pretty much like a Bring Your Own System Application party, with the kernel kindly offered by the host, a minimal chroot jail can be obtained with just the binary of a shell, and just a few other binary files. Let's try and create one with just bash in it then. Under the assumption that you have it installed on your Linux system, we can determine all the shared object the bash shell depends on with ldd

$ ldd `which bash`
        linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007ffca3bca000)
        libtinfo.so.5 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5 (0x00007f9605411000)
        libdl.so.2 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f960520d000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f9604e2d000)
        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f960563a000)

So let's create a folder that will serve as the new root file system, e.g. ~/minimal, and copy the bash executable in it, together with all its dependencies. Copy the bash executable inside ~/minimal/bin, the libraries from /lib into ~/minimal/lib and those from /lib64into ~/minimal/lib64. Then start the chroot jail with

chroot ~/minimal

You should now have a running bash session with a vanilla prompt format that looks like this


Note that chroot is being executed as the root user. This is because, under normal circumstances, only root has the POSIX capability of calling the SYS_CHROOT system call.

To see the current capabilities of a user one can use the capsh --print command. The Bounding set line shows the capabilities that have been inherited and that can be granted to a process from the current user. Capabilities represent another feature that is relevant for containers. They will be discussed in a separate post.

If you now play around a bit with this bash session, you will realise pretty quickly that there isn't much that you can do. Most of the standard Unix tools are not available, not even ls. This container that we created as a chroot jail is indeed minimal.

A More Interesting Example

Ubuntu has released base images of the operating system since version 12.04. These are just root file system images in the format of a compressed tarball. Suppose that a new stable version has come out and you want to give it a try before you upgrade your system. One thing you can do is to go to the Ubuntu Base releases page and download the image that you want to test. Extract the content of the tarball somewhere, e.g. ~/ubuntu-latest and "run" it with chroot

chroot ~/ubuntu-latest

We are now running an instance of a new version of Ubuntu. To check that this is indeed the case, look at the output of cat /etc/os-release. Furthermore, we now have access to all the basic tools that make up the Ubuntu operating system. For instance you could use aptitude to download and install new packages, which could be useful to test the latest version of an application.

If you intend to do some serious work with these kinds of chroot jails, keep in mind that some of the pseudo-file systems won't be available from within the jail. That's why you would have to mount them manually with

mount -t proc proc proc/
mount -t sysfs sys sys/
mount -o bind /dev dev/

This way you will be able to use, e.g., ps to look at the currently running processes.

Leaky Containers

With the simplicity of chroot jails comes many issues that make these kind of "containers" leaky. What do I mean by this? Suppose that you want to containerise two resource-intensive applications into two different chroot jails (for example, the two applications, for some reasons, require different Linux-based operating systems). A typical example these days is that of microservices that we would like to run on the same host machine. When the first microservice fires up, it starts taking all the system resources (like CPU time for instance), leaving no resources for the second microservice. The same can happen for network bandwidth utilisation or disk I/O rates.

Unfortunately, this issue cannot be addressed within chroot jails, and their usefulness is somewhat restricted. Whilst we can use it to create some sort of "ancestral" containers, this is not the solution we would turn to in the long run.

Another serious issue with a poorly implemented chroot jail is the dreaded S-word: security. If nothing is done to prevent the user of the jail from calling certain system calls (e.g. chroot itself), it is relatively straightforward to break out of it. Recall how the chroot wrapper utility requires root privileges to be executed. When we launched a bash session within the Ubuntu Base root file system, we were logged in as the root user. Without any further configuration, nothing will prevent us from coding a simple application that performs the following steps from within the jail:

  1. Create a folder with the mkdir system call or Unix wrapper tool.
  2. Call the chroot system call to change the apparent root to the newly created folder.
  3. Attempt to navigate sufficiently many levels up to hit the actual file system root.
  4. Launch a shell.

Why does this work? A simple call to the chroot system call only changes the apparent root file system, but doesn't actually change the current working directory. The Unix chroot wrapper tool performs a combination of chdir followed by chroot to actually put the calling process inside the jail.

A minimal version of the chroot(2) utility written in x86-64 assembly code can be found in the minichroot.asm source file within the GitHub repository linked to this post.

A call to chroot which is not preceded by a call to chdir moves the jail boundary over the current location down another level, so that we are effectively out of the jail. This means that we can chdir up many times now to try and hit the actual root of the host file system. Now run a shell session and bang! We have full control of the host file system under the root user! Scary, isn't it?

If you want to give this method a try, have a look at the jailbreak.asm source file within the GitHub repository linked to this post.

A less serious matter, but still something that you might want to address, is that, after we have mounted the proc file system within the jail, the view of the running processes from within the jail is the same as the one from the host system. Again, if we do nothing to strip down capabilities from the chroot jail user, any process on the host machine can easily be killed (in the best hypothesis) by the jail user. Indeed, chroot containers really require a lot of care to prevent unwanted information from leaking. That is why present days containers make use of a different approach to guarantee "airtight" walls, as we shall soon see.

Control Groups

As we have argued above, when we make use of containers we might want to run multiple instances of them on the same machine. The problem that we face is physical resource sharing among the containers. How can we make sure that a running instance of a containerised process doesn't eat up all the available resources from the host machine?

The answer is provided by a feature of the Linux kernel known as control groups. Usually abbreviated as cgroups, control groups were initially released in 2007, based on earlier work of Google engineers, and originally named process containers.

Roughly speaking, cgroups allow you to limit, account for and isolate system resources usage among running processes. As a simple example, consider the scenario where one of your applications has a bug and starts leaking memory in an infinite loop. Slowly but inevitably, your process ends up using all the physical memory available on the machine it is running on, causing some of the other processes to be killed at random by the OOM (Out of Memory) killer or, in the worst case, crashing the entire system. If only you could assign a slice of memory to the process that you want to test, then OOM killer would get rid of only your faulty process, thus preventing your entire system from collapsing and allowing the other applications to run smoothly without consequences. Well, this is exactly one of the problems that cgroups allow you to solve.

But physical memory is only one of the aspects (or subsystem, in the language of cgroups; another term that is used interchangeably is controller) that can be limited with the use of control groups. CPU cycles, network bandwidth, disk I/O rate are other examples of resources that can be accounted for with control groups. This way you can have two or more CPU-bound applications running happily on the same machine, just by splitting the physical computing power among them.

A Hierarchy of cgroups

Linux processes are organised in a hierarchical structure. At boot, the init process, with PID 1, is spawned, and every other process originates from it as a child process. This hierarchical structure is visible from the virtual file system mounted at /proc.

Cgroups have a similar hierarchical structure but, contrary to processes (also known as tasks in cgroup-speak), there may be many of such hierarchies of cgroups. This is the case for cgroups v1, but starting with version 2, introduced in 2015, cgroups follow a unified hierarchic structure. It is possible to use the two at the same time, thus having a hybrid cgroups resource management, even though this is discouraged.

Every cgroups inherits features from the parent cgroups and in general they can get more restrictive the further you move down the hierarchy, without the possibility of having overrides. Processes are then spawned or moved/assigned to cgroups so that each process is in exactly one cgroup at any given time.

This is, in a nutshell, what cgroups and cgroups2 are. A full treatment of cgroups would require a post on its own and it would take us off-topic. If you are curious to find out more about their history and their technical details, you can have a look at the official documentation here and here.

How to Work with Control Groups

Let's have a look at how to use cgroups to limit the total amount of physical (or resident) memory that a process is allowed to use. The example is based on cgroups v1 since they are still in use today even though cgroups v2 are replacing them and there currently is an on-going effort of migrating from v1 to v2.

Since the introduction of cgroups in the Linux kernel, every process belongs to one and only one cgroup at any given time. By default, there is only one cgroup, the root cgroup, and every other process, together with its children, is in it.

Control groups are manipulated with the use of file system operations on the cgroup mount-point (usually /sys/fs/cgroup). For example, a new cgroup can be created with the mkdir command. Values can be set by writing on the files that the kernel will create in the subfolder, and the simplest way is to just use echo. When a cgroup is no longer needed, it can be removed with rmdir (rm -r should not be used as an alternative!). This will effectively deactive the cgroup only when the last process in it has terminated, or if it only contains zombie processes.

As an example, let's see how to create a cgroup that restricts the amount of total physical memory processes can use.

mkdir /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/mem_cg
echo 100m > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/mem_cg/memory.limit_in_bytes
echo 100m > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/mem_cg/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes

If memory.memsw.* is not present in /sys/fs/cgroup/memory, you might need to enable it on the kernel by adding the parameters cgroup_enable=memory swapaccount=1 to, e.g., GRUB's kernel line. To do so, open /etc/default/grub and append these parameters to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT.

Any process running in the mem_cg cgroup will be constrained to a total amount (that is, physical plus swap) of memory equal to 100 MB. When a process gets above the limit, the OOM killer will get rid of it. To add a process to the mem_cg cgroup we have to write its PID to the tasks file, e.g. with

echo $$ > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/mem_cg/tasks

This will put the currently running shell into the mem_cg cgroup. When we want to remove the cgroup, we can just delete its folder with

rmdir /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/mem_cg

Note that, even if fully removed from the virtual file system, any removed cgroups remain active until all the associated processes have terminated or have become zombies.

Alternatively, one can work with cgroups by using the tools provided by libcgroup (Red Hat), or cgroup-tools (Debian). Once installed with the corresponding package managers, the above commands can be replaced with the following, perhaps more intuitive ones:

cgcreate -g memory:mem_cg
cgset -r memory.limit_in_bytes=100m
cgset -r memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes=100m
cgclassify -g memory:mem_cg $$
cgdelete memory:mem_cg

One can use cgexec as an alternative to start a new process directly within a cgroup:

cgroup -g memory:mem_cg /bin/bash

We can test that the memory cgroup we have created works with the following simple C program

#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"

void main() {
  int    a      = 0;
  char * buffer = NULL;

  while (++a) {
    buffer = (char *) malloc(1 << 20);
    if (buffer) {
      printf("Allocation #%d\n", a);
      memset(buffer, 0, 1 << 20);


We have created an infinite loop in which we allocate chunks of 1 MB of memory at each iteration. The call to memset is a trick to force the Linux kernel to actually allocate the requested memory under the copy-on-write strategy.

Once compiled, we can run it into the mem_cg cgroup with

cgexec -g mem_cg ./a.out

We expect to see about 100 successful allocations and after that the OOM killer intervenes to stop our processes, since it would have reached the allocated memory quota by then.

Imagine now launching a chroot jail inside a memory cgroup like the one we created above. Every application that we launch from within it is automatically created inside the same cgroup. This way we can run, e.g., a microservice and we can be assured that it won't eat up all the available memory from the host machine. With a similar approach, we could also make sure that it won't reserve all the CPU and its cores to itself, thus allowing other processes (perhaps in different jails/containers) to run simultaneously and smoothly on the same physical machine.

Linux Namespaces

The description of Linux namespaces given by the dedicated manpage sums up the concept pretty well:

A namespace wraps a global system resource in an abstraction that makes it appear to the processes within the namespace that they have their own isolated instance of the global resource. Changes to the global resource are visible to other processes that are members of the namespace, but are invisible to other processes. One use of namespaces is to implement containers.

So no questions asked about why Linux namespaces were introduced in the first place. As the description says, they are used to allow processes to have their own copy of a certain physical resource. For example, the most recent versions of the Linux kernel allow us to define a namespace of the network kind, and every application that we run under it will have its own copy of the full network stack. We have pretty much a rather lightweight way of virtualising an entire network!

Linux namespaces represent a relatively new feature that made its first appearance in 2002 with the mount kind. Since there were no plans to have different kinds of namespaces, at that time the term namespace was synonym of mount namespace. Beginning in 2006, more kinds were added and, presently, there are plans for new kinds to be developed and included in future releases of the Linux kernel.

If you really want to identify a single feature that makes modern Linux container possible, namespaces is arguably the candidate. Let's try to see why.

Some Implementation Details

In order to introduce namespaces in Linux, a new system call, unshare, has been added to the kernel. Its use is "to allow a process to control its shared execution context without creating a new process." (quoted verbatim from the manpage of unshare(2)). What does this mean? Suppose that, at a certain point, you want the current process to be moved to a new network namespace so that it has its own "private" network stack. All you have to do is make a call to the unshare system call with the appropriate flag set.

What if we do want to spawn a new process in a new namespace instead? With the introduction of namespaces, the existing clone system call has been extended with new flags. When clone is called with some of these flags set, new namespaces of the corresponding kinds are created and the new process is automatically made a member of them.

The namespace information of the currently running processes is stored in the proc file system, under the new ns subfolder of every PID folder (i.e. /proc/[pid]/ns/). This as well as other details of how namespaces are implemented can be found in the namespaces(7) manpage.

How to Work with Namespaces

As with cgroups, an in-depth description of namespaces would require a post on its own. So we will have a look at just one simple example. Since networks are ubiquitous these days, let's try to launch a process that has its own virtualised network stack and that is capable of communicating with the host system via a network link.

This is the plan:

  1. Create a linked pair of virtual ethernet devices, e.g. veth0 and veth1.
  2. Move veth1 to a new network namespace
  3. Assign IP addresses to the virtual NICs and bring them up.
  4. Test that the can transfer data between them.

Here is a simple bash script that does exactly this. Note that the creation of a network namespace requires a capability that normal Unix user don't usually have, so this is why you will need to run them as, e.g., root.

# Create a new network namespace
ip netns add test

# Create a pair of virtual ethernet interfaces
ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1

# Configure the host virtual interface
ip addr add dev veth0
ip link set veth0 up

# Move the guest virtual interface to the test namespace
ip link set veth1 netns test

# Configure the guest virtual interface in the test namespace
ip netns exec test bash
ip addr add dev veth1
ip link set veth1 up

# Start listening for TCP packets on port 2000
nc -l 2000

On line 2 we use the extended, namespace-capable version of ip to create a new namespace of the network kind, called test. We then create the pair of virtual ethernet devices with the command on line 5. On line 12 we move the veth1 device to the test namespace and, in order to configure it, we launch a bash session inside test with the command on line 15. Once in the new namespace we can see the veth1 device again, which has now disappeared from the default (also known as global) namespace. You can check that by opening a new terminal and typing ip link list. The veth1 device should have disappeared after the execution of the command on line 12.

We can then use netcat to listen to TCP packets being sent on port 2000 from within the new namespace (line 20). On a new bash session in the default namespaces, we can start netcat with

{% terminal $ %} nc 2000

to start sending packets to the new namespace test via the link between veth0 and veth1. Everything that you type should now be echoed by the bash session in the test namespace after you press Enter.

Putting It All Together

Now let's see how to put all the stuff we have discussed thus far together to handcraft some more (better) containers.

Process Containment for chroot Jails

With our first attempt at manually crafting a container with chroot, we discovered a few weaknesses of different nature that made the result quite leaky. Let's try to address some of those issues, for instance the fact that all the processes running on the host system are visible from within the container. To this end, we shall make use of the Ubuntu Base image that we used in the chroot section. We then combine chroot with namespaces in the following way. Assuming that you have created the test network namespace as described in the previous section, run

unshare --fork -p -u ip netns exec test chroot ubuntu-latest

The --fork switch is required by the -p switch because we want to spawn a new bash session with PID 1, rather than within the calling process. The -u switch will give us a new hostname that we are then free to change without that affecting the host system. We then use the ip new capability of creating namespaces of the network kind to create the Ubuntu Base chroot jail.

The first improvement is now evident. From inside the chroot jail, mount the proc file system with, e.g.

mount -t proc proc /proc

and then look at the output of ps aux:

# ps -ef
root         1     0  0 11:54 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash -i
root         8     1  0 11:56 ?        00:00:00 ps -ef

The bash session that we started inside the chroot jail has PID 1 and the ps tool from the Ubuntu Base distribution has PID 8 and parent PID 1, i.e. the chroot jail. That's all the processes that we can see from here! If we try to identify this bash shell from the global namespace we find something like this

$ ps -ef | grep unshare | grep -v grep
root      5829  4957  0 12:54 pts/1    00:00:00 sudo unshare --fork -p -u ip netns exec test chroot ubuntu-latest
root      5830  5829  0 12:54 pts/1    00:00:00 unshare --fork -p -u ip netns exec test chroot ubuntu-latest

PIDs in your case will quite likely be different, but the point here is that, with namespaces, we have broken the assumption that a process has a unique process ID.

Wall Fortification

Whilst the process view problem has been solved (we can no longer kill the host processes since we cannot see them), the fact that the chroot jail runs as root still leaves us with the jailbreak issue. To fix this we just use namespaces again the way they where meant to be used originally. Recall that, when they were introduced, namespaces were of just one kind: mount. In fact, back then, namespaces was a synonym of mount namespace.

The other ingredient that is needed to actually secure against jail breaking is the pivot_root system call. At first sight it might look like chroot, but it is quite different. It allows you to put the old root to a new location and use a new mount point as the new root for the calling process.

The key here is the combination of pivot_root and the namespace of the kind mount that allows us to specify a new root and manipulate the mount points that are visible inside the container that we want to create, without messing about with the host mount points. So here is the general idea and the steps required:

  1. Start a shell session from a shell executable inside the root file system in a mount namespace.
  2. Unmount all the current mount points, including that of type proc.
  3. Turn the Ubuntu Base root file system into a (bind) mount point
  4. Use pivot_root and `chroot to swap the new root with the old one
  5. Unmount the new location of the old root to conceal the full host file system.

The above steps can be performed with the following initialisation script.

umount -a
umount /proc
mount --bind ubuntu-latest/ ubuntu-latest/
cd ubuntu-latest/
test -d old-root || mkdir old-root
pivot_root . old-root/
exec chroot . /bin/bash --init-file <(mount -t proc proc /proc && umount -l /old-root)

Copy and paste these lines in a file, e.g. cnt-init.sh and then run

sudo unshare --fork -p -u -m ubuntu-latest/bin/bash --init-file cnt-init.sh

You can now check that the /old-root folder is empty, meaning that we now have no ways of accessing the full host file system, but only the corner that corresponds to the content of the new root, i.e. the content of the ubuntu-latest folder. Furthermore, you can go on and check that our recipe for breaking out of a vanilla chroot jail does not work in this case, because the jail itself is now an effective, rather than apparent, root!


We have come to the end of this journey across the features of the Linux kernel that make containers possible. I hope this has given you a better understanding of what many people mean when they say that containers are like virtual machines, but are not virtual machine.

Whilst spinning containers by hand could be fun, and quite likely an interesting educational experience for many, to actually produce something that is robust and secure enough requires some effort. Even in our last examples there are many things that need to be improved, starting from the fact that we would want to avoid giving control of our containers to users as root. Despite all our effort to improve containment of resources, an user logged in as root can still do some nasty things (open lower-numbered ports and all such kind of businesses...). The point here is that, if you need containers for production environments, you should turn to well tested and established technologies, like LXC, Docker etc... .