Extending Python with Assembly

⏲ A 17 min read P403n1x87/asm/python

What's a better way to fill an empty evening if not by reading about how to extend Python with Assembly? I bet you don't even know where to start to answer this question :P. But if you're curious to know how you can use another language to extend Python, and if you happen to like Assembly programming, you might end up actually enjoying this post (I hope!).


If you have landed on this page, you must have had one between two only possible reactions to the title of this post, either "Hmm, this sounds interesting" or "Just, why?". The straight answer is, well, "just, because". And perhaps a bit more articulated answer is: because the people in the first category probably enjoy this kind of things :).

Reactions aside, the subject of this post is the coding of an extension for Python written in pure Assembly for the Intel x86-64 architecture on a Linux-based operating system. If you are familiar with general assembly but have never coded for the architecture that we are targeting, it is perhaps worth reading through my previous post "Getting Started with x86-64 Assembly on Linux".

I will also assume that you are somewhat familiar with extending Python with C. If not, then it probably is a good idea to go through the official documentation before reading on, or some things might not make too much sense. The approach of this post is by example and builds on knowledge about C to transition to Assembly. My favourite assembler on Linux is NASM, since it supports the Intel syntax, the one that I am more comfortable with. Therefore the only dependencies for following along are the NASM assembler and the GNU linker ld. Optionally, we can make use of a Makefile to assemble and link our code, and perhaps docker to test it in a clean environment. You will find all the relevant files in the linked GitHub repository.

Now it's time to jump straight into the code.

The Code

There isn't much more to say before we can see the code really, so here it is. This is the content of my asm.asm source file.

DEFAULT                 rel

%include                "asm/python.inc"

GLOBAL                  PyInit_asm:function

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SECTION                 .rodata
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

l_sayit_name            db "sayit", 0
l_sayit_doc             db "This method has something important to say.", 0
l_sayit_msg             db "Assembly is great fun! :)", 10
l_sayit_msg_len         equ $ - l_sayit_msg

l_module_name           db "asm", 0

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SECTION                 .data
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

l_asm_methods:              ;; struct PyMethodDef[] *
ISTRUC PyMethodDef
  at PyMethodDef.ml_name    , dq l_sayit_name
  at PyMethodDef.ml_meth    , dq asm_sayit
  at PyMethodDef.ml_flags   , dq METH_NOARGS
  at PyMethodDef.ml_doc     , dq l_sayit_doc

l_asm_module:                ;; struct PyModuleDef *
ISTRUC PyModuleDef
  at PyModuleDef.m_base     , PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT
  at PyModuleDef.m_name     , dq l_module_name
  at PyModuleDef.m_doc      , dq NULL
  at PyModuleDef.m_size     , dq -1
  at PyModuleDef.m_methods  , dq l_asm_methods
  at PyModuleDef.m_slots    , dq NULL
  at PyModuleDef.m_traverse , dq NULL
  at PyModuleDef.m_clear    , dq 0
  at PyModuleDef.m_free     , dq NULL

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SECTION                 .text
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

asm_sayit: ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
                        push  rbp
                        mov   rbp, rsp

                        mov   rax, 1                  ; SYS_WRITE
                        mov   rdi, 1                  ; STDOUT
                        mov   rsi, l_sayit_msg
                        mov   rdx, l_sayit_msg_len

                        mov   rax, Py_None
                        inc   QWORD [rax + PyObject.ob_refcnt]

                        pop   rbp
;; end asm_sayit

PyInit_asm: ;; --------------------------------------------------------------
                        push  rbp
                        mov   rbp, rsp

                        mov   rsi, PYTHON_API_VERSION
                        mov   rdi, l_asm_module
                        call  PyModule_Create2 WRT ..plt

                        pop   rbp
;; end PyInit_asm

If you have never written a C extension for Python before, this might look a bit mysterious to you, although the general structure, at least, should be quite clear after you've glimpsed through the official Python documentation on extending Python with C.

We shall now analyse every single part of the above code sample in details to see what each block of code does.

Shared Object

On the very first line of the source we see the line

DEFAULT                 rel

Our goal is to assemble and link our code into an ELF64 shared object file. Contrary to ordinary program code, shared object files are dynamically loaded into random memory addresses. It is therefore important that all our code is position-independent. One way of doing this is to make sure that any memory reference is not absolute, but relative to the value of the RIP register, which points to the current instruction being executed. This guarantees that, no matter where the shared object is loaded into memory, references to local variables are correct. In 64-bit mode, NASM defaults to absolute addresses, therefore the above line is necessary to switch to RIP-relative addresses.

The CPython Headers

On line 3 we include a file to our main Assembly source. Given the simplicity of this example, we could have included the content of the python.inc file within asm.asm itself. However, for larger projects it is perhaps good practice to separate declarations and actual code, like it is usually done in C, with .h and .c files. In fact, the python.inc file includes the equivalent of structures and macros as declared in the CPython header files. As far as I'm aware, there are no assembly-specific include files provided by the maintainers of CPython, so we have to go through the extra effort of typing them ourselves. We will get back to the content of this file later on.

Exporting Global Symbols

Line 5 is an important one. It exports the symbol PyInit_asm, of type function, and makes it available for external programs. This is the function that CPython calls the moment we load the asm module with import asm from the Python interpreter. If we do not export this symbol, then CPython won't be able to find the code necessary to initialise the module. In analogy with C, this is equivalent to declaring a non-static function.

Immutable Strings

Next we have the read-only data section

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SECTION                 .rodata
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

l_sayit_name            db "sayit", 0
l_sayit_doc             db "This method has something important to say.", 0
l_sayit_msg             db "Assembly is great fun! :)", 10
l_sayit_msg_len         equ $ - l_sayit_msg

l_module_name           db "asm", 0

Here we initialise the strings that we will need later on. As they won't change during the course of the code execution, we put them in a read-only section of the shared object. The GNU C compiler does just the same thing with every literal string that you use in C code. You will notice references to their address in the following section, that of (read-write) initialised data.

CPython Data Structures

Next is the section of initialised data.

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SECTION                 .data
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

l_asm_methods:              ;; struct PyMethodDef[] *
ISTRUC PyMethodDef
  at PyMethodDef.ml_name    , dq l_sayit_name
  at PyMethodDef.ml_meth    , dq asm_sayit
  at PyMethodDef.ml_flags   , dq METH_NOARGS
  at PyMethodDef.ml_doc     , dq l_sayit_doc

l_asm_module:               ;; struct PyModuleDef *
ISTRUC PyModuleDef
  at PyModuleDef.m_base     , PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT
  at PyModuleDef.m_name     , dq l_module_name
  at PyModuleDef.m_doc      , dq NULL
  at PyModuleDef.m_size     , dq -1
  at PyModuleDef.m_methods  , dq l_asm_methods
  at PyModuleDef.m_slots    , dq NULL
  at PyModuleDef.m_traverse , dq NULL
  at PyModuleDef.m_clear    , dq 0
  at PyModuleDef.m_free     , dq NULL

Here is where things start to get interesting, and the content of the python.inc file comes into play. The first two labels point to the beginning of CPython-specific structures. The first is an array of PyMethodDef structures. As the name suggests, each instance of this structure is used to hold information about a method that should be made available to the Python interpreter from within our module. To find out in which header file it is defined, we can use the command

grep -nr /usr/include/python3.6 -e "struct PyMethodDef"

In my case, I get that the structure is defined in /usr/include/python3.6/methodobject.h, starting from line 54. Inside the python.inc we then have the equivalent structure declaration

STRUC PyMethodDef
  .ml_name              resq 1    ; const char *
  .ml_meth              resq 1    ; PyCFunction
  .ml_flags             resq 1    ; int
  .ml_doc               resq 1    ; const char *

The NullMethodDef is a NASM macro that conveniently defines the sentinel PyMethodDef structure, which is used to mark the end of the PyMethodDef array pointed by l_asm_methods. Its definition is also in the python.inc file and, as you can see, simply initialises a new instance of the structure with all the fields set to NULL or 0, depending on their semantics, i.e. whether they are memory pointers or general integers.

%define NullMethodDef         dq NULL, NULL, 0, NULL

Note that NULL is not a native NASM value. To align the coding conventions with C, I have defined NULL as a constant in python.inc and assigned the value of 0 to it. The idea is that, like in C, it makes the intent of the code clearer, since any occurrence of NULL indicates a null pointer rather than just the literal value 0.

The next label, l_asm_module, points to an instance of the PyModuleDef structure, which is pretty much the core data structure of our Python module. It contains all the relevant metadata that is then passed to CPython for correct initialisation and use of the module. Its definition is in the moduleobject.h header file and, at first sight, looks a bit complicated, with some references to other structures and C macros.

typedef struct PyModuleDef{
  PyModuleDef_Base m_base;
  const char* m_name;
  const char* m_doc;
  Py_ssize_t m_size;
  PyMethodDef *m_methods;
  struct PyModuleDef_Slot* m_slots;
  traverseproc m_traverse;
  inquiry m_clear;
  freefunc m_free;
} PyModuleDef;

So lets take our time to figure out what its byte content looks like. The first field is an instance of the PyModuleDef_Base structure, which is defined in the same header file, just a few lines above. The non-trivial bit in this new structure is the first part, PyObject_HEAD, which looks like a C macro. As the name suggest, its definition is quite likely to be found in object.h. Indeed, there we find

#define PyObject_HEAD                   PyObject ob_base;

so our chase continues. The definition of the PyObject structure can be found a few lines below. Again, all the fields are quite simple, i.e. just integers value or memory pointers, except for the macro _PyObject_HEAD_EXTRA. We then have to jump back up a few lines, to find that this macro is conditionally defined as either nothing or 0, 0. By default, the macro Py_TRACE_REFS is not defined, so in our case _PyObject_HEAD_EXTRA evaluates to nothing. Backtracking from our macro chase in CPython headers, we see that we can define the following structures in python.inc

STRUC PyObject
  .ob_refcnt            resq 1    ; Py_ssize_t
  .ob_type              resq 1    ; struct _typeobject *

STRUC PyModuleDef_Base
  .ob_base              resb PyObject_size
  .m_init               resq 1    ; PyObject *
  .m_index              resq 1    ; Py_ssize_t
  .m_copy               resq 1    ; PyObject *

STRUC PyModuleDef
  .m_base               resb PyModuleDef_Base_size
  .m_name               resq 1    ; const char *
  .m_doc                resq 1    ; const char *
  .m_size               resq 1    ; Py_ssize_t
  .m_methods            resq 1    ; PyMethodDef *
  .m_slots              resq 1    ; struct PyModuleDef_Slot *
  .m_traverse           resq 1    ; traverseproc
  .m_clear              resq 1    ; inquiry
  .m_free               resq 1    ; freefunc

As you can easily guess, NASM generates the constants PyObject_size etc... automatically so that they can be used to reserve enough memory to hold the entire structure in the definition of other structures. This makes nesting quite easy to implement in NASM.

Local and Global Functions

Finally we get to the actual code that will get executed by CPython when our module is loaded and initialised, and when the methods that it provides are called.

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
SECTION                 .text
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

asm_sayit: ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
                        push  rbp
                        mov   rbp, rsp

                        mov   rax, 1                  ; SYS_WRITE
                        mov   rdi, 1                  ; STDOUT
                        mov   rsi, l_sayit_msg
                        mov   rdx, l_sayit_msg_len

                        mov   rax, Py_None
                        inc   QWORD [rax + PyObject.ob_refcnt]

                        pop   rbp
;; end asm_sayit

PyInit_asm: ;; --------------------------------------------------------------
                        push  rbp
                        mov   rbp, rsp

                        mov   rsi, PYTHON_API_VERSION
                        mov   rdi, l_asm_module
                        call  PyModule_Create2 WRT ..plt

                        pop   rbp
;; end PyInit_asm

In fact, we have a total of two functions, one local and one global. The first one, asm_sayit, is the only method contained in our module. All it does is to write a string, l_sayit_msg, to standard output by invoking the SYS_WRITE system call. Perhaps the most interesting bit of this function is the code on lines 61-62. This is the idiom for any function that wishes to return None in Python. Recall that, in Python, None is an object instantiated by CPython. As such, our shared library needs to import it as an external symbol. This is why you will find the macro PyNone defined as

%define Py_None               _Py_NoneStruct

together with the line

EXTERN    _Py_NoneStruct

in the python.inc file. This is equivalent to the two lines

PyAPI_DATA(PyObject) _Py_NoneStruct; /* Don't use this directly */
#define Py_None (&_Py_NoneStruct)

in the object.h header file, where the None object is defined. All of this explains line 61, but what about line 62? This has to do with Reference Counting. In a nutshell, every object created in Python comes with a counter that keeps track of all the references attached to it. When the counter gets down to 0, the object can be de-allocated from memory and resources freed for other objects to use. This is how Python, which heavily relies on malloc, can keep memory leaks at bait. It is therefore very important to properly maintain reference counts in Python extensions. As None is a Python object like any others, when we return a reference to it, we have to bump its reference count. In C, this is conveniently done with the Py_INCREF macro. Its definition is in the object.h and, as it is easy to guess, it just increases the ob_refcnt field of the PyObject structure. This is precisely what we do on line 62.

Stack Frames Matter! You might be wondering why we are taking care of creating a stack frame on function entry, and cleaning up after ourself on leave. The reason is a pretty obvious one: we don't know what code will call ours, so it is safe to make sure that stack alignment is preserved across calls by doing what every function is expected to do. When I was lying down the code for this post, I was getting a SIGSEGV exception, and the debugger revealed that the instruction movaps was trying to store the value of the xmm0 register on a memory location that was not a multiple of 16. The problem was solved by the extra 8 bytes from push rbp.

The second and last function is our global exported symbol PyInit_asm. It gets called by CPython as soon as we import the module with import asm. In this simple case, we don't have to do much here. In fact, all we have to do is call a standard CPython function and pass it the instance of PyModuleDef allocated at l_asm_module. As we have briefly seen, this contains all the information about our module, from the documentation to the list of methods.

Now, if you have read through the official documentation on how to extend Python with C, you might be wondering why we are calling PyModule_Create2 instead of PyModule_Create (is there a typo?), and why we are passing it two arguments instead of one. If you are starting to smell a C macro, then you are correct! Long story short, PyModule_Create is a macro defined as

#define PyModule_Create(module) PyModule_Create2(module, PYTHON_API_VERSION)

with PYTHON_API_VERSION defined as the literal 1013. So the actual function to call is indeed PyModule_Create2, and it takes two arguments.

Did you notice that weird WRT ..plt? Remember the discussion about ensuring position-independent code? Since we have no clue of where the PyModule_Create2 function resides in memory, we have to rely on some sort of indirection. This is provided by the so-called Procedure Linkage Table, or PLT for short, which is some code that is part of our shared library. When we call PyModule_Create2 WRT ..plt, we are jumping to the PLT section of our object file in memory, which contains the necessary code to make the actual jump to the function that we want to call.


Once our assembly code is ready, it needs to be assembled and linked into a shared object file. We will now see how to perform these steps, and how to test and install our Python extension.

Assembling and Linking

Once the code is ready, it needs to be assembled and linked into the final shared object file. The NASM assembler is invoked with minimal arguments as

nasm -f elf64 -o asm/asm.o asm/asm.asm

This creates an intermediate object file asm.o. To create the final shared object file, we use the GNU linker with the following arguments

ld -shared -o asm/asm.so asm/asm.o -I/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2

Note the use of the -shared switch, which instructs the linker to create a shared object file.

How to Test the Module

The first thing that you might want to do is to manually test that the shared object file works fine with Python. For CPython to be able to find the module, we need to ensure that its location is included in the search path. One way is to add it to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. For example, from within the project folder, we can launch Python with

PYTHONPATH=./asm python3

and from the interactive session we should be able to import the module with

>>> import asm

Alternatively, we can add the search path to sys.path with these few lines of Python code

>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append("./asm")
>>> import asm

Once we have successfully imported our module in Python, we can test that its method sayit works as expected

>>> asm.sayit.__doc__
'This method has something important to say.'
>>> asm.sayit()
Assembly is great fun! :)

I hope that you would agree :).

Distributing the Module

The simplicity of our sample module wouldn't justify the use of setuptools for distribution. In this case, a simple, old-fashioned Makefile is the simplest solution to go for. Even for larger projects, you would probably still delegate the build job of your code to a Makefile anyway, which would then get called from your setup.py at some phase, perhaps during build. However, the recommended standard is that you build wheels instead of eggs, and the requirement is that you provide pre-built binaries with your package.

This being said, let's see how to distribute the module. As we have seen in the previous section, the shared object needs to resides in one of the Python search paths. The easiest way to find out what these paths are on the platform that you are targeting is to launch the Python interpreter and print the value of sys.path. On my platform, I get the following output

Python 3.6.3 (default, Oct  3 2017, 21:45:48)
[GCC 7.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
['', '/usr/lib/python36.zip', '/usr/lib/python3.6', '/usr/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload', '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages', '/usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages']

The Makefile could then contain the following line inside the install rule:

install: default
    cp asm/asm.so /usr/lib/python${PYTHON_TARGET}/asm.so

with the environment variable PYTHON_TARGET set to 3.6.

To automate the building and testing process of the module, we could use Docker to build an image out of the target platform and trigger a build, and perhaps execute some unit tests too. A simple Dockerfile that does the minimum work to build and test would look something like the following

FROM  ubuntu:latest
USER  root
ADD   . asm
RUN   apt-get update              &&\
      apt-get install -y            \
        nasm                        \
        python3-pytest              \
RUN   cd asm                      &&\
      make                        &&\
      make install                &&\
      python3 -m pytest -s

As you can see, we are targeting the latest stable version of Ubuntu, which comes with python3.5. We make sure we install all the required dependencies, the assembler and the standard build tools, along with python3-pytest to perform unit testing once our module builds successfully.

The bare minimum that we can test is that the import of the module works fine and that we can call its method. So a possible test_asm.py test script would look like

import asm

def test_asm():


Whilst I appreciate that the cases where you'd want to seriously consider extending Python with Assembly code are rare, it is undoubtedly the case that, if you enjoy experimenting with code, this could be a fun and instructing experience. In my case, this has forced me to go look into the CPython header files, which I probably wouldn't have if I were using C. I now know more about the internal workings of Python and a clearer idea of how CPython is structured.

As always, I hope you have enjoyed the read. Happy Assembly coding! :)