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Articles tagged with python

  1. Running C unit tests with pytest

    ⏲ A 34 min read

    In this post I will describe my approach to C unit testing using pytest. In particular, we get to see how to gracefully handle SIGSEGVs and prevent them from stopping the test runner abruptly. Furthermore, we shall try to write tests in a Pythonic way.

  2. Deterministic and Statistical Python Profiling

    ⏲ A 16 min read

    If you want to be sure that your applications are working optimally, then sooner or later you will end up turning to profiling techniques to identify and correct potential issues with your code. In this post, I discuss some of the current profiling tools and techniques for Python. The official documentation has a whole section on the subject, but we shall go beyond that and have a look at some alternative solutions, especially in the area of sampling profilers.

  3. Extending Python with Assembly

    What's a better way to fill an empty evening if not by reading about how to extend Python with Assembly? I bet you don't even know where to start to answer this question :P. But if you're curious to know how you can use another language to extend Python, and if you happen to like Assembly programming, you might end up actually enjoying this post (I hope!).